Monday, September 8, 2014

Blog 5 - Mentorship Reflection

1. For my senior project i am doing blacksmithing. when I was younger, almost 7 years ago I went to a blacksmithing forge and started smithing. I stopped going and then when senior projects started being announced I immediately thought of blacksmithing agin. I went to the forge a few times over the summer and found out that it was defiantly the right choice for my senior project. I ended up making a few things such as the staple or the spring fuller and had lots of fun with it. I do not have one mentor but a group. They each work at the forge and tell me what to do and what not to do. and when ever I need help with a project they always provide assistance. If I had to chose one to be a mentor it would probably be Kathy because she is the most helpful and forthcoming without asking.

2. The most important article I have read so far is probably the "Anvil fire" it has lots of good information and directions in various locations on the site and it references great books that are also important in my research. So it is the most important because not only is it a great sours but it also has other sources I can use reference and ever recommended.

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